In order to give permission, you provide a proper ‘explicit consent’ . The way it works is that you get redirected to an internal ING secured dedicated website where you do select the country of your ING account (ING Luxembourg). You then click ‘Next’ and you get access to an authentication page. Per default, the Luxtrust Token authentication page will be displayed allowing you to put your credentials (User ID, Password, OTP), but you can still select another authentication mean such as Luxtrust Mobile App, Luxtrust Smartcard, LuxTrust Scan or also Luxtrust Signing stick, if you want to.
From that moment on, you can then, depending of the service:
- select which account you want to grant access to for a 180 days period (Account Information Services)
- select which account you want to use to initiate a payment every time you do so (Payment Initiation Services)
- select which account you want to grant access to for an unlimited period of time until revocation (Confirmation Availability of Funds)
Only then does another company have access to your payment accounts. So you see, you don't just give permission. You really have to do something for that yourself !
And if you do not give permission to another company, nothing will change for you.