Discussions in specialized running forums seem to leave no doubt: you have to spend a fortune to practice this sport. Every day there are new items of apparel and gadgets in the stores, and the more you get into the subject, the more things you seem to need. But don’t despair; even if you belong to those who like to be fully and appropriately equipped, it’s also possible without deep pockets.

First and foremost: footwear

One of the big advantages of running and potentially the reason why so many people choose to practice this sport is the notion that you can do it anytime, anywhere, and with any old pair of shoes. But avoiding to invest in appropriate footwear will eventually force you to invest in medical attention.

It’s important to choose running shoes that are comfortable and adapted to your running style. Many specialized stores and of course a good podiatrist can help you assess your needs. Once you have the right pair of shoes, remember these should be renewed every 700-800 kilometers (much like you do with the tires of your car). Use your running footwear only when running, store it in a dry and fresh place, and wash them with a small brush, soft soap and cold water. Small tricks to extend their life span!

One last piece of wisdom: last year’s model might be as good as this year’s but at half the price (again, much like it happens with cars). Veteran runners tend to wait for the new model to buy older versions at affordable prices.

Running gear

Here, too, buying clothing off-season or items of the last collection might suppose significant savings without compromising in quality. A trip to a nearby outlet can be a great source of savings even if we take into account the cost of fuel – especially if your running buddies tag along!

And if you know size, model and brand, online shopping delivered at home will not only save you money, but also time.

Running gadgets

As a runner, you probably want to see the progress of your efforts. Some of us measure that on the scale (especially when heading into the summer season!), other invest in expensive pulse meters that not only measure the heart rate but also time, distance, breathing and can produce amazing logs.

If you’re just getting started, however, a free or very low price mobile app might be more than enough. Some are extremely complete, with tips and guides on how to exercise properly, avoid injury and so on. You’ll need a bracelet to carry your phone but you’ll still come out cheaper than buying a pulse meter.

Training – alone or in groups

Training can be for free, also in Luxembourg. There are numerous fitness trails all over the country. You can also discover, share and create running tracks with the app developed by the city of Luxembourg.

Running alone can be liberating when you’ve had a tough day at work, or extremely boring and a reason why many quit after a few sessions. There are several options in Luxembourg to run with groups adapted to your level that will improve your experience as well as your technique, speed, strength and endurance. For free.

The City of Luxembourg organizes with the city’s sports service run trainings for different levels for a good price (110€/Q) and there are many racing events like the ING Night MARATHON Luxembourg, ING Eurocross and many more

“Good” doesn’t have to be expensive

So, all in all, running is a great way of staying (or getting) in shape, meeting new people, setting goals and developing the endurance to attain them, without the need for great financial investments.

Some useful links:


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